Testimonials For Support Groups
The Grief Recovery program helped me to understand how unresolved deep loss that I've experienced has prevented me from having meaningful relationships in my life. I was able to identify and complete these unresolved losses and have since had the freedom to reengage with important family. Not only that, but after I referred the program to my wife and she experienced similar healing, we then purchased 10 copies of the book and have seen profound change in multiple family members! I couldn't recommend the Grief Recovery Method any higher!
Support Groups07/30/2021
Has helped me understand my loss and helped me cope with the loss
Support Groups07/27/2021
Has helped me a lot but still have my days
Support Groups07/27/2021
Support Groups07/27/2021
Grief Recovery has changed the way I think and the way I parent my children. I always assumed that grief was something you have to keep to yourself and keep pushing. To sit in class and have someone truly listen to me and hear me changed my life! I have these tools now to help me process and work through anything that my cause me grief/sadness.
Support Groups07/26/2021
Support Understanding my grief Compassion to others Compassion to my self Recovering
Support Groups07/26/2021
The program has given me a very different perspective and understanding on the effects of grief and how to deal with them. It was an invaluable learning.
Support Groups07/24/2021
I think it was a great experience and one which I will use practically as further experiences arise. I also felt that I wasn’t emotionally connected mostly so I realise over time and in the right time this will change for me .
Support Groups07/24/2021
Changed my perspective on grief which has helped explain many frustrating past events. I am now an advocate of proactively dealing with grief rather than aiming to be functional.
Support Groups07/24/2021
I loved reading the book and I felt every word written was carefully chosen and the whole content made sense. Then the session (8 weeks) were super helpful. The facilitator made all of us safe explained things very well and encouraged each one of us to do our home work. The small groups, even though none of us knew each other before was very special and each of us felt heard as we shared and felt comfortable to share. I was quite blown away to see how my perception of my dad changed after completing the relationship with him. Yes there were lots of tears as.i worked on every step towards completion, felt grateful for this opportunity given to learn and work on my heart
Support Groups07/24/2021
Unlike other counseling techniques or programs this was the only program that helped to bring things to a place of closure or settlement of sorts. Helps me to lay down my past unfinished emotions and expectations and look forward to a diff future in the relationship purely from the point of view of being better equipped to handle it and offer something better. Felt relieved like a load off of me after the completion letter.
Support Groups07/24/2021
Very helpful in helping me deal with my grief.
Support Groups07/20/2021
Вячеслав и Татьяна Наумовы – настоящие профессионалы в области скорби и переживания утрат. Программа помогает переосмыслить отношения целиком, разобраться со своими чувствами, справится с душевной болью и взять ответственность на себя за то, как я реагирую на происходящие события, быть благодарной за то, что я имею здесь и сейчас, чтобы вновь обрести душевное равновесие и полноценную жизнь.
Support Groups07/16/2021Participant in Kyiv,
Вячеслав и Татьяна Наумовы – настоящие профессионалы в области скорби и переживания утрат. Программа помогает переосмыслить отношения целиком, разобраться со своими чувствами, справится с душевной болью и взять ответственность на себя за то, как я реагирую на происходящие события, быть благодарной за то, что я имею здесь и сейчас, чтобы вновь обрести душевное равновесие и полноценную жизнь.
Support Groups07/16/2021Participant in Kyiv,
Я пришел на программу за компанию с женой так как особо не чувствовал нужды проходить программу. Но конечно у меня были свои потери. В начале я больше думал о профессиональной деятельности. Однако в процессе прохождения программы увидел, что есть необходимость проработать отношения с мамой. Благодаря программе я смог более глубоко проанализировать причины и корни возникавших сложностей, что привело к улучшению отношений.
Support Groups07/16/2021Participant in Kyiv,
Программа помогла не демонизировать людей. Замечать, что хорошего и положительного они сделали для меня.
Support Groups07/15/2021
Помогла учиться не демонизировать людей. Замечать, что такие люди делали для меня хорошего и положительного.
Support Groups07/15/2021
Grief Recovery helped in many ways but one. Helped me to forgive and to handle certain things in certain ways
Support Groups07/14/2021Participant in Marana, Arizona
Helped to deal with my loss and relationship issues I had never grieved
Support Groups07/14/2021Participant in Marana, Arizona
This was a good program and it worked for me. Miss R. Abrams is a good program facilitator
Support Groups07/14/2021
THis program has taught me how to deal with my grief
Support Groups07/14/2021Participant in Marana, Arizona
Helped to deal with my loss and relationship issues I never grieved
Support Groups07/14/2021
This class opened my eyes many different times and made me realize I was holding onto alot of grief
Support Groups07/14/2021Participant in Marana, Arizona
The program has taught me how to deal with my grief
Support Groups07/14/2021