John W. James and Russell Friedman
The Grief Recovery Handbook is a revolutionary action program to heal your heart from pain caused by death, divorce, childhood trauma, or any other loss that has you feeling like you're stuck in a bad dream. It's the ONLY evidence based system around the topic of grief. With over 1 million copies sold, it will work for you too. Now available in Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese and Dutch.
Additionally, the Grief Recovery Institute is pleased to share that the Grief Recovery Handbook has been translated into over 25 languages since it was first written. The When Children Grieve book is also available in some languages other than English. At the Grief Recovery Institute, we only currently have access to copies of this book in Spanish.
To check if the Grief Recovery Handbook or When Children Grieve is available in another language, we suggest you search Google to see if you can find them. Some will be available only through "print on demand" services. We suggest you contact your local bookstore or library system for purchase options.
If the book isn't available in the language you're looking for, please send a note to
[email protected] to see if it might be in the translation process. To recommend a new translation, you can also send your suggestion to
[email protected]. These translations take a great deal of time and are expensive to accomplish, so you may need to be very patient.