Testimonials For One-on-One Support
This program, and the facilitator, helped me move through feelings that I had been blocking for years. I went into this to move forward from the death of my mother, thinking that it was simply a matter of pushing things aside to "do the duties" that had been given to me upon her death, and quickly realized that so many moments throughout my life had kept me from being able to complete the loss regardless of those duties. Not only was I able to move through and complete my feelings/emotions in regards to my mom's death, but the losses I experienced throughout her life as well. I was even able to complete an additional loss through this process (one that I thought I was past). It helped me see the good and the bad in each relationship and opened me up to expressing my emotions to those still in my life today.
One-on-One Support07/16/2021
I am not a touchy-feely person; the Grief Recovery Method provided a roadmap for me to recognize and deal with my memories and feelings following the death of my wife of 47 years.
One-on-One Support07/15/2021
The program helped me work through and confront a very challenging situation I was in when younger and then that persons death just a few years ago. I became a foster parent and realized that that relationship and death was still a major trigger for me so we were also able to tackle the loss that is associated with that and with being a foster parent since the kids eventually move on and there is always a loss associated with them being in foster care.
One-on-One Support07/15/2021
One-on-One Support07/14/2021
Exceptional professionalism.
One-on-One Support07/13/2021
I found the program to be slow at the beginning and was really wondering if I was going to get any value out of it. However, the relationship chart and 3 statements exercise turned my opinion around. I'm not even sure how I can explain it but since I wrote my letter, I feel much more calm and less focused on my loss.
One-on-One Support07/13/2021
The program has given me tools to address unresolved losses and discover these unresolved emotions. I am looking forward to keeping working at it and intend to do another program in the near future.
One-on-One Support07/13/2021
Well my english is not good enough..
One-on-One Support07/11/2021
I learned great coping methods and different skills that I can implement into my later life.
One-on-One Support07/10/2021
I was in a gray space for a couple of years since the death of my husband. I was either running from my grief or wallowing in it. I finally decided I needed to move on from this space and start living again - for myself and for my family. The Grief Recovery Method helped me to understand what I was doing, recognize the behaviors that I clung to and needed to leave behind in order for me move on. I have also come to understand that some of my living habits (decisions that I made) are a result of instances in my life that were unresolved grief. This is a wonderful program. I truly appreciate this experience and have recommended this program to others. Recommendation: I know of some folks who would benefit from this program but may not have the financial means to go through it. If you have "scholarships" available, this may be helpful for those in need.
One-on-One Support07/09/2021
This program is an incredible tool of healing and freedom. By committing to reading the book and investing in the exercises, I gave myself a new found peace and learned about how to navigate my grief through working on specific relationships that needed acknowledgement and a space to articulate important emotions. This work would not happen without the grief recovery method.
One-on-One Support07/08/2021
Helped me to understand how to release my grief through the different assignments.
One-on-One Support07/08/2021
The flexibility of this program allowed for me to successfully complete the program despite a busy and often unpredictable schedule. The facilitator was outstanding - accommodating and supportive. I like that I can apply this program to other relationships in my life. I would definitely recommend it!
One-on-One Support07/07/2021
Key word for me? method. Structure seems a close cousin to rational emotive therapy. Thankfully, it goes further. More enabling by internalizing a standard of empirical judgement tied to specific actions one might choose to take. In a word...self-actualizing. In present-day climate is problematic -- rejects any explanation on how to use gender. This program gets its point across as well as is possible. For that, I'm glad. (sets and clears the parameters of personhood). However, I would like to add there ARE grieving differences which need attention. I don't think this particular program should do that - a back-brief for facilitators might be helpful to simply ask, or suggest, that client consider brief conversations with same gender friends. (a subtle means of encouraging community building in their life outside the program...) I found support in my grief and realized I really am not crazy. Whew! I finished the 7 weeks more confident that I can continue making adjustments to my own grief and loss.
One-on-One Support07/07/2021
It clarified a lot for me and feel better and more equipped to deal w loss.
One-on-One Support07/07/2021
Прохождение программы помогло не сразу увидеть результаты, а по прошествии времени. Навыки приобретенные в процессе прохождению помогаю по иному увидеть реальность, заглянуть в "прошлое" увидеть где был сбой в "системе" и сделать корректировку. Есть намерение продолжать работать над своими утратами с помощью программы.
One-on-One Support07/04/2021
The program worked by helping me realize how poorly I'd been taught about what grief might be, how it affects my relationships, and the different ways available to examine and recover from loss.
One-on-One Support07/03/2021
This program is what I’ve been looking for since I was 19 years old. I’ve been to many therapists and tried many different things. I did not even know what I was experiencing was grief. After I got that realizationI knew I needed to do something about it. I asked my therapist from the age of 19 what to do when experiencing grief and he recommended the book. And once I read it I knew that I needed some help I contacted the person closest to me that I felt I would click with and Jackie and I worked really well together. I will be forever grateful.
One-on-One Support06/30/2021
One-on-One Support06/30/2021
I came to a greater degree of peace over losing my mom. I have some tools to help me now that I'm at an age when my friends and family will start dying.
One-on-One Support06/30/2021
Helped me see some different perspectives and gave me a more balanced feeling about my loss(s)
One-on-One Support06/30/2021
The program worked in unlearning some myths I had previously believed regarding loss and grief. As someone who spent many years without a significant loss, the program helped me figure out intense new emotions.
One-on-One Support06/30/2021
It has helped me to do a lot of self-reflection and to look at my relationship with my husband. It gave me the opportunity to sort out my emotions and to recognize how to say “goodbye” to them.
One-on-One Support06/28/2021
When I first heard about the program I was very skeptical if this would be helpful for me. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to participate in a process that would bring about many feelings and emotions I didn't know I could deal with. However my facilitator Emile Maxi made all the difference in my journey of healing. He created an environment that allowed me to be comfortable to express my feelings without judgement. Empathetic to my specific experience of loss and allowed me to express the flood of emotions that followed in a safe and healthy way. He was encouraging, enlightening, knowledgeable and kind. I now look back on the losses and no longer grieve so intensely but appreciate the time we shared together. I was able to find closure of the past; forgive and now look toward creating a brighter future. There are other relationships I will work on but now I feel I am equipped with the tools to manage those challenging relationships in a healthy way. This is a program that could be a benefit to everyone. Thank-You for sharing this beautiful gift of healing.
One-on-One Support06/27/2021