Susana Castaneda, MA
Foundational Certification  
Online Capabilities Trained  
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist  
Email Specialist


Houston, TX

Phone Number

+1 713 478 0562


Programs Presented In


Services offered in Person and Online, in English and in Spanish.
Physical Office: Houston, TX (Memorial Area)
Schedule a Free Consultation: +1 (713)478-0562 or at [email protected]

This program has been life changing for me, my family and all those who I had been the honor to work with. I went through this method in 2013 just a few months after the sudden death of my 24 y/o son. I felt helpless with the amount of painful emotions, with so many things I'd have wanted to tell him, so many dreams that were cut short and others things which I wish had been different . This method worked beautiful letting me grieve in a natural way and at the same time letting me be free of those undelivered communications, dreams and expectations.
The Grief Recovery Method has helped me with many other emotional losses from a long time ago and from recent ones; chronic illness of a loved one, health issues, moving, empty nest, pet loss, among others.
Please don't let time go by without taking the right actions, time by itself doesn't help at all.

I have a BS in Speech Pathology from the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) and a MA in Communication Disorders from the University of Houston. I worked in private practice and in the Spring Branch Independent School District as a Speech and Language Pathologist.
For the past 15 years I have advised and led various non-profit organizations. Currently, I love working with people using this method because of the positive impact it has in their lives.

Hice este método unos pocos meses después de que mi hijo de 24 años muriera repentinamente. Tenia muchas cosas que me hubiera gustado decirle a mi hijo y otras tantas que me hubieran gustado sido diferentes; todas estas, más el dolor de perderle me tenían muy abrumada y triste. Este método me ayudó muchísimo a concluir todas las cosas pendientes que tenía con el y a aliviar el dolor en el corazón. También me ha ayudado con otra pérdidas como mudanzas, problemas de salud, cambios de trabajo, nido vacío, muerte de una mascota, entre otras.
Por favor, no dejes pasar más el tiempo, que el tiempo solo sin tomar las acciones correctas no ayuda.

Soy Fonoaudióloga de la Universidad del Rosario (Colombia) y obtuve un Master en Desórdenes en la Comunicación de Universidad de Houston. Trabajé como Terapeuta del Habla y del Lenguaje en la práctica privada y en el Distrito Escolar de Spring Branch en Houston.
He servido y liderado varias organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro por los últimos quince años. Actualmente me encanta trabajar ayudando a personas a utilizar éste método ya que he visto el impacto positivo que ha tenido en sus vidas.

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Online and In-Person

Specialist Rating For In-Person

9 Reviews

Specialist Rating For Online

3 Reviews

This program is for people who prefer to work one-on-one rather than in a group setting. The 7-session format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs and can be completed in-person or online with a Grief Recovery Method Specialist specifically trained to help people move through loss with dignity and respect.

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Susana Castaneda, MA


Houston, TX

Phone Number

+1 713 478 0562
