Testimonials For Susana Castaneda
Susana was such a great listener. I feel that this program has helped me so much especially because I felt heard and understood by her. She was there to see me cry and help me in my grief. I wish everyone could know about this program and do it themselves!
One-on-One Support09/09/2024Participant in Houston, Texas
As mentioned above, Susana was kind, compassionate and understanding. She did a very good job of explaining things as we went along. Well done!
One-on-One Online Support04/02/2024Participant in Houston, Texas
One-on-One Support11/14/2023Participant in Houston, TX
Going through the program helped me to see my situation in a new light and to learn to express those unsaid thoughts and words. It gave me the tools to continue going forward. I know it will help me in future dealing with grief.
One-on-One Support02/10/2023Participant in Houston, Texas
I feel stronger, more confident in all aspects of significant losses experienced in my life. I have gained tools and knowledge that will help me be a better person for my loved ones, and any other future losses to face.
One-on-One Support01/05/2023Participant in Houston, TX
Very informative
Helping Children With Loss07/27/2022
It was a safe place with Susana to give voice to my feelings and be able to share them in the safe environment and structure of the program. I am still in process of being able to articulate the fruits of our time together. I was able to have dinner with my mom and not react to triggers any more, though see her with the eyes of God’s love for her.
One-on-One Online Support07/25/2022
The myths about grief helped. I did not expect to go over my many losses when I first started, but I’m grateful that I did. My biggest fear was that completing grief would lead me to forget my wife and I was so used to swimming in sadness that I would not know how to recover. Completing is not forgetting-valuable lesson.
Support Groups07/08/2022
Support Groups04/28/2022
El programa me hizo ver lo errada que estaba en el manejo de mis pérdidas , y me dio herramienta para poder enfrentarlas mejor .
Support Groups04/18/2022
It has saved me from incomplete grieving and has also helped me to begin to know how to help my children deal with loss. I would not know how to start to lead a life that integrates my loss if I had not done the Grief Recovery Programme. It has completely changed my life and my understanding of loss and helps me to appreciate why I react the way I do to my bereavement. I am truly grateful to Susana and to the Grief Recovery Institute for the wonderful work they are doing.
One-on-One Support05/03/2021
Helping Children With Loss05/03/2021
Very helpful. Productive.
One-on-One Support03/30/2021
The Grief Recovery Method and Susana helped me navigate my grief after the suicide of my 15 year old son. Having limited experience with grief left me with few usable skills. My pain was overwhelming and I didn’t know how to move forward. The GRM is a structured program that allowed me to sequentially and logically look at my relationship with my son and find a way to the future that held hope and joy while leaving pain in the past. Susana is very compassionate and professional. As a result of her abilities I have continued to examine other areas of loss in my life and found peace. This program has been an important piece of our family’s recovery from a tragic loss. I highly recommend both Susana and The Grief Recovery Method.
One-on-One Support03/23/2021
The helping Helping Children Grieve Program taught me a lot about myself, in terms of my own childhood responses to grief, as well as those I was using as a parent. It clearly demonstrated how maladaptive responses to grief can have far reaching consequences, while demonstrating better strategies for reacting to grief and loss, and therefore, providing great hope for the participant to make changes for the future. It provided valuable insight into the way children might view different types of loss, and an understanding of how to support them in feeling the emotions that are proper to grief, while encouraging them to process those emotions and arrive at a place where they can be joyful and not weighed down by suppressed grief related to past loss. The book and the program are clearly a lifeline for both children and the adults who care for them. Susana C. was a patient, non-judgmental facilitator who believed in what she was teaching. She encouraged us to really engage in self-examination and not just use the book superficially, as an interesting read. I remain grateful for the insights gained in doing this program and would definitely recommend it to friends who have children coping with past and present losses.
Helping Children With Loss02/23/2021
It was great to understand what to do when you are grieving or trying to deal with those types of situations. A checklist is a great tool for me to use not only with my kids but also with myself.
Helping Children With Loss02/23/2021
I'm still in the process of implementing the suggested recommendations. I hope the use of this new tool to process loss helps me and my whole family. Thank you.
Helping Children With Loss02/23/2021
Helping Children With Loss02/23/2021
Primero doy gracias a Dios, luego a los que se inventaron este método y luego a ti porque ahora me siento libre y feliz de poder disfrutar la vida. Es como si me hubiera quitado un gran peso de encima y ahora puedo ver las cosas como son.
One-on-One Support02/03/2021
This programme has helped me enormously to advance and complete the process of grief after the death of my wife. I saw a ray of light that was so welcome when I had my first session. In fact in anticipation of our first meeting I felt lifted from the mood of despair into which I had been plunged after my bereavement. Throughout the programme I have found the tasks and instructions very easy to follow. My facilitator has been entirely generous in making the programme of great benefit to me and this has helped to transform my life.
One-on-One Online Support12/05/2020
One-on-One Support09/10/2020Participant in Houston, TX
I started the Grief Recovery Method with an excellent leader, she explained to me how this method can help me to recover the pain of my separation, I worked for 8 weeks with her guidance, the book, and the homework change my vision of the pain. I worked to forgive and understand more about my feelings and recover my self confidence and continue growth as a best human, best woman, best mom and best friend. Thank you Susana for all your support on this transformation.
Support Groups08/01/2020Participant in Houston, TX
Support Groups08/01/2020Participant in Houston, Tx
Excellent , I feel better learning how we can fix relationship
Support Groups08/01/2020Participant in Houston , Texas