Loss spoiled my happy life….months of duvet days, isolation, acting recovered and just waiting for time to pass, failed to make me feel better….even though they said it would!
I’m Julie Shepherd Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist, based in the North East of England. I’d like to share with you how to move forward and move beyond that pain of loss.
Our society is full of well meaning people. After all our family and friends wouldn’t hurt us on purpose would they? Unfortunately when we grieve they often do. Were you taught what to say, or what not to say when friends are going through relationship breakups, bereavement, job loss, illness diagnosis, moving home, miscarriage & more? We’re just so I’ll equipped to help ourselves or those around us.
Unresolved grief becomes compound because we don’t know how to deal with it. Let me walk you through The Grief Recovery Method (TGRM). Simple honest steps deal with the unfinished business of our loss. I can help you re-engage in life again without carrying the pain that loss has left.
I know that TGRM works, I’ve experienced it in my own life and those I’ve worked with. A decade ago, I was thrust into widowhood suddenly and unexpectedly. Trust me and trust the process. Let me take your hand so you can move forward without the conflicting emotions left by your loss. Can you be honest, show up once a week for 8 weeks and do a 60 minute task once a week? That’s all it takes so you don’t have to live life with a sticking plaster over your broken heart.
The Grief Recovery Handbook saved my sanity. The Grief Recovery Method transformed my life. It can do the same for you. This is the call you won’t regret making. I’m available to work locally face to face, or online for those further a field.
With hugs…….Julie