My name is James Gonnella and I, like you, have experienced loss in a multitude of ways. The opportunity to engage and learn about GRM brought both hope and a set of skills that are invaluable to the work I do and to me personally. I work in the Dayton/Montgomery County Ohio area and beyond as a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor, Gambling Disorder Counselor, Licensed Social Worker, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. In all of these areas, the need for grief recovery can be invaluable to help folks move through the unseen roadblocks that can stop progress. These roadblocks may be unseen, but we can now say that many of them are no longer unknown. The addition of GRM, and the insight and methods it offers, have opened the door for me and maybe for you too. The Grief Recovery Method is a stand-alone program that has been proven effective and is specifically designed with the participant, you, in mind.