Faith has been a practicing spiritual director since she completed a two-year training program in 2006. In this role, she accompanies people on their faith journeys, which has given her substantial opportunity to attend to the grief experiences of others. Living for 30+ with chronic illness, she is also very familiar with grief and loss herself, and it is through both personal and professional experience that she came to know of the Grief Recovery Method She recognizes in the Method deep wisdom about the genuine realities of grief as well as the hopeful, healing path to navigate through them to recovery. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where she offers the seven-session One-on-One Grief Support in person and Online, the eight-week group Grief Support program, as well as the four-week program for Helping Children with Loss. Faith has a PhD in English Literature, a Doctor of Ministry degree, and a spiritual direction certificate. In her Doctor of Ministry program, she studied the experiences of human brokenness, including grief, and how people can navigate a path to healing and wholeness. Others describe her as a gentle, compassionate soul and a deeply engaged listener.