Testimonials for our Certification Training Program

I am so happy to be a part of the Grief Recoverry Method Institute. This method worked for me in indescribable and unexpected ways. I am inspired to share the wealth of knowledge I’ve learned to heal hearts besides my own


This was an amazingly fulfilling experience. Life long bonds were formed with the participants and Susan and Cole were masterful in their delivery of the material. Felt very honored and humbled to be a part of this four day training experience.


My mother passed away when I was six, my father, when I was sixteen. I spent 40+ years living in a hurt/loss I could never explain, and I saw familiar patterns in all my relationships (close but not too close) just in case I had to live my life without them. The Grief Recovery Method help me discover what grief looks like for me, and I realized I spent most of my life trying to feel okay, even though I was in a lot of pain. I had the opportunity to attend the specialist training and it was amazing! I’m so excited that I now have the opportunity to help others, just like me, who walked around in a pain/loss not knowing there is actual hope and a way out. Julie Dennis


The training was interesting and thorough, and brought to life the elegance and effectiveness of the Grief Recovery Method. I highly recommend it!


I came into this training a bit skeptical, but I promised myself that I would keep an open mind. This training exceeded my expectations! The emphasis on the relational and emotional aspect of grief recovery makes The Grief Recovery method powerful and effective in supporting individual's in healing and recovering from loss. I will most definitely be taking this work out into the world, it is so needed. The facilitators, Jocelyn and Ed, were top-notch and I can't speak highly enough of this program and my experience in the training. THANK YOU for such an incredible experience!


I enjoyed the training experience from start to end. Jocelyn and Ed were exemplary professionals while being warm and patient in guiding us to proficiency with the method. I feel prepared to begin my work as a Grief Recovery Specialist.


I feel so much "lighter" after I completed my Loss History Graft and my "Completion" letter about my Mother's suicide attempt many years ago.


The Grief Recovery training was intense but Not overwhelming. It is easy to learn the policy and procedures the hard part was working on SELF. You will have to address a personal loss, but you are in a comfortable safe environment. The release is unexplainable and refreshing. I left feeling lighter.


I am a bereavement coordinator, I have never felt that I knew how to do my job well. I now no I can absolutely do my job well, be a better mom and help many many people


I found some healing in my experience with GRMC. The loss graph showed me that I still have some losses in my life that I need to address. I am so thankful that I have the right tools to address these issues.


Most helpful training/ both professional and personal for me. Helped me get to the core and helped me through things I thought I would never get over.


This was one of the greatest workshops I have ever attended.


I love how close everyone in the group became and how safe everyone made each other feel! AMAZING group of individuals in a truly AMAZING training!!!


This last weekend gone was life changing for me! Not only did I understand and learn new concepts, but I met some amazing people who helped me to experience the freedom of being totally complete!


My personal experience has allowed me mental clarity not having to carry the weight of my grief , this has been liberating and worth doing. That deep hard emotional work that is required, makes it invaluable.


Although the first 2 1/2 days were intense, I absolutely loved taking this training! I was amazed at how I felt after going through the program myself. I look forward to helping others learn how to complete relationships and break through any of the pain associated with their grief. Thank you so much for this opportunity!


I took the training to help grieving folks, but did not realize the extent of my own incomplete grief. Such an awakening, followed by my own completion of past relationships. Thank you for this outstanding process, which I look forward to sharing with others.


Personally, I have been interested In self-help/professional help since 1992, and going through the process had the impact I have been searching for. AMAZING! And beyond that, I feel so honoured that I am now able to share this gift.


I want to help people live the best life possible after a loss and the tools provide with GRM may help them get to that place in life.


The Certification training can be useful in various professional fields as loss and change are encountered in almost all professional settings. It should be required training for anyone working in an EAP ( employee assistance program) offered by most large organizations. The training offers a valuable perspective as well as an action plan on the subject of grief, what constitutes grief, and how to address grief. I feel I will be able to apply this training consistently in both my work and personal experiences.


I had taken the community group class previously and had a general knowledge of the material. Taking the certification class greatly expanded what I 'thought I knew' and how to has shown me how to share The Grief Recovery Method.


It has been my honor to take this program. It exceeded my expectations and if you are looking to be a beacon and help individuals in need of grief recovery, this is the class you definitely need. I am confident and ready to share with the world. I am forever grateful for my experience with this program. Mr. Steve Moeller was an excellent instructor, you will learn a lot and fully ready to support your community in grief recovery. Thank you Grief Recovery Institute for this experience!


My Certification training was very educational, heartfelt as well as amazing. Stephen Moeller was a very amazing instructor. He was very detailed which helped the learning process easier. I am so thankful to have found this amazing program where I am experienced emotional grief losing my brother. I feel confident in teaching other grievers the Grief Recovery Method, the skills I've learned will make a lasting impact with what I've learned through Stephen.


This training has given me a breath of fresh air concerning the myths about grief. I'm very encouraged about the new life changing knowledge and the tools I now have to use as I assist the griever to completion. My personal life will never be the same. I've learned how to process my thoughts and emotions in using the graphs as a great tool of completion. Ed Owens was amazing and helped us to be more in tune with ourselves immediately. I'm looking forward to being an active part of the GRM family. Thank you.

