Testimonials For One-on-One Support

5.00 Stars

I have learned to deal with and confront the hurt of loss from my past with the proper tools that nobody had taken the time to teach me with so thank you so much Mrs. Barnes

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program was excellent it was very freeing experience from unclear questions I had in my own experience of the grieving journey The structure of the program from start to end is brilliantly done and I enjoyed every step of if It also has give the encouragement to deal with all other losses I have encountered in my life A tool I will now use Thank you

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

This program helped me to understand the depth of my grief and the effects it has on a person.

One-on-One Support
Participant in San Diego, CA
4.00 Stars

I must admit I was very sceptical before I started the program but even after the first session and reading the first chapter of the book my whole understanding of how we currently deal with grief changed. Each session builds on the last and it really does help you find completion and peace. However, you must be prepared to go into this with an open mind and be prepared to be honest with yourself. My Grief Recovery Specialist was amazing, she supported me through the whole process and was a fantastic "Heart with Ears", thanks Jodie for helping me complete this. Its been an emotional ride but it really has helped me find inner peace.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program put me on a path to recover from this huge loss in my life. The exercises and the book were very helpful. I was really down and out and now I am able to enjoy life again. The facilitator had so much empathy for my situation. She was such a good listener and always gave me feedback on how to improve my situation. The relationship graph was very helpful. She taught me to hold on to those positive memories but also how to not let my regrets control my life.

One-on-One Support
3.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It has helped me a lot with my own mental health. It has given me a better understanding of people around me who are experiencing grief and loss. It has also helped me understand my children's feelings-I have become their heart with ears.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It unconvered some insights I had either never thought about or ever considered with my relationship with my Mom and family

One-on-One Support
Participant in Hampton, NH
5.00 Stars

The program helped me truly understand the extent of how a specific loss can have such foundational and long-term effects on my quality of life. While I was convinced that other losses would be more important because they were more recent, it became obvious through the program that the relationship with my father, beginning at the very start of my life, laid the groundwork for negative behaviors and mindsets. It was deeply rooted in my identity and I never would have realized just how much cause and effect it had on other losses in my life if it were not for my program. The program gave me a safe, emotionally intelligent space to work in. The readings were relatable, informative, understandable and reassuring. Reading John and Russel's experiences was reassuring that things could be better for myself. The book really made me think and reconsider what I knew about loss and grief. It gave me activities to work on that felt applicable and affective. As a visual person, it was nice to work on some projects that I could see visually which benefitted me personally. When initially wanting to seek counseling, I was really wanting to find a program or person that would work with me through my problems and not just be a listener. Everything really helped me and I knew I needed to pursue the program when I was introduced to it.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I found the time spent going over the homework and working through the book was so helpful. I learned so much about how I felt about my past and how it definitely affected me.l I am so grateful for the opportunity and the guidance I received.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I have learned a great deal about grief recovery and the nature of loss. The guidance, materials, and information provided have helped me enormously and will continue to do so. I feel both lighter and stronger as a result of the grief recovery program and working with an outstanding facilitator.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I feel so much better after working to complete my grief. This program is amazing!

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

The program ended up working better for me because of the explanations from my facilitator. If I had of just sat down and read the book on my own, I wouldn’t of understood about the STERBS. It was a good, helpful book in many ways , but it was much better having someone explain the parts I needed help with.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Gave me a lot of understanding to property grieve

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

Grief in a different healthy way

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Never have I found a program that defines grief in this way. I now have avenues to funnel my anger and grief (that stems back to my early childhood) and process through each one until I am free; both seeing and speaking my truth. I am 59 years old and for the first time in my life I am set free from bondages that tormented me constantly. I am beginning this journey of discovering why I act and react to situations and what to do about them. Thank you for this awesome program. I tell everyone I know how it!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program helped me bring to light many aspects of my relationship with my mom, both good and challenging. I was able to work through my feelings about those past situations and have healthy conversations with my mom before her passing. I was able to share things about her that I appreciate and I was able to apologize for some things I had done in my past. I'm so grateful to have these conversations with her in person which has given me a sense of closure I may not have been able to experience if I had done this after my mom's passing.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

After losing my mother to suicide in my childhood, I never really had the time or situation to process it. I just believed that one day she would be back. As I grew up, I started realizing that something was off but I did not know what. I had lost all hope in life and just thought that I am not made for this world. Three years went by and I was extremely tired and then I came across Misty Fields. I realized how my unprocessed grief and running away from reality was affecting me. It has been the most life-changing experience for me. I never thought my life could get better but after several months of counseling, here I am doing things I never thought I am capable of. The major change is that I want to live now and I have hopes from life. Misty is the most empathetic person and I will forever be grateful to her for walking this journey of grief with me. I would never have done that alone! Forever grateful!

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

It was a tremendous and beautiful experience. Migdalia guided me to the process with compassion, love and care. I learnt a lot about myself, and I was able to tap into deeper emotional situations, that not only supported my recovery process, but also gave me a chance to continue my healing journey. Forever grateful

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

I was able to completely release my pain and anger. At the end of the program I became more compassionate towards myself and my ex. I felt true completeness, and I feel open, ready and willing for my next relationship

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

The program taught me humility which is to pause and reflect my journey of life with all its changes, loss, struggles, suffering, grief, and JOY. It taught me courage which is to be unafraid and take decisive action by unpacking sorrow and pain and laying it aside not just adjusting the unbearable burden and weight. Discovery is recovery was a very profound lesson. Wounds < Wisdom. I grieve deeply because I love deeply. That can be interpreted as a strength not a weakness. Thank you for the tools in dealing with all sorts of future losses, change, and challenge. I am indebted to this program and the facilitator.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

When a first started the program I was devastated and feeling a lot of guilt and shame following my mother’s sudden death. As I worked through the program with Thera, I uncovered many things I didn’t realize I was still hurting over. By the end of the seven weeks I was able to have closure and acceptance. This program has actually given me a different outlook on the way I handle my every day situations and actions.

One-on-One Support
