Mark Twain once said:
"The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
The loss of my third son was a milestone in my life. It was through him that I found my calling.
I help people who have suffered loss as best I can.
This is my why.
I could write about how much I have already learned:
I could write about my medical university studies.
I could write about my professional experience in clinical research.
I could write about the fact that I am the owner of a private clinic – working with almost 100 doctors of different specialties - in Budapest, Hungary, Europe for many years. However, here and now I would like to express how helpless, useless and meaningless I felt all this acquired knowledge was when I was holding the lifeless body of my third son in my hands at his birth. I had to give birth to death itself. Therefore I gave birth and buried at the same time. I was scared. Grief tore me down. I was lost. The loss of our third son led me to the Grief Recovery Method. With the help of the method - step by step - I understood what was going on inside me. It created order in the chaos that made my everyday life so difficult at that time. I realized that I had no knowledge about grief at all. I delved into the science of grief. I followed the latest research, leaving the door open to the spiritual approach as well. Through my own grief journey I understood the importance of the following essential sentences: "Grievers don't have to be fixed... They have to be heard..." "Grievers don't move on... They move forward with their grief..." When I moved forward with my grief I realized how much I would like to help others. I became a Grief Recovery Specialist.
I am not scared of big feelings any more. On the contrary, I would like to understand what lies behind them. Currently I am a trainee at the Compassionate Inquiry®️Professional Training. Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. The approach brings safety to the exploration of self, the present and the past. It can be used to accelerate the healing of individuals.
I help others with passion, love and discretion. If you feel that the person - who you would like to talk to - is me, my heart is open for you. I do my best to set helpful circumstances to share deep feelings.
The opposite of depression is expression.
And I am here for you.
My motto is:
"Without depths there are no heights."
I offer: Individual Grief Support, Grief Support Groups, Helping Children With Loss Programs and Pet Loss Support Groups currently in Zadar, Croatia, Europe and in Budapest, Hungary, Europe.