Diana Dilworth (Cantu), Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, BS Dietetics
Foundational Certification  
Email Specialist


Austin, TX

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When I learned about the Grief Recovery Program I didn't think it applied to me because I hadn't experienced a recent death or divorce. But when I learned what grief actually is I knew there were other things that had deeply affected me that I needed to resolve. So I took this Grief Recovery Class in 2016 and I was left absolutely amazed at how much it helped me. I made so many connections between my griefs (of all kinds), traumas and how I'd handled situations and relationships because of them.  

I'm greatly honored to be a Certified Specialist to help heal hurting hearts, educate people about the many kinds of griefs and losses and ultimately equip them for life and well-being. 

I've conducted both the One-on-One Format and Group Format.  My classes are held on the West side of Austin.

If you'd like more detailed information about me or this wonderful program please contact me: [email protected]

Thank you, 

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This program is for people who prefer to work one-on-one rather than in a group setting. The 7-session format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs and can be completed in-person with a Grief Recovery Method Specialist specifically trained to help people move through loss with dignity and respect.

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Diana Dilworth (Cantu), Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, BS Dietetics


Austin, TX