Well acquainted with grief since she was 5 years old and has helped more than 25,000 people over 25 years thrive beyond grief, Dr. Birgitte Tan is a certified Grief Specialist, certified Trauma & Resiliency coach, and certified Life success consultant with a background as a veterinarian oncologist. Her passion, based on her training and life experiences, is to help you and your loved ones recover from grief and thrive with simple, effective tools.
Birgitte helps people globally and looks forward to helping you be empowered, effortlessly create results beyond your expectation, and easily transform tears into triumph.
Please feel welcome to ask me any questions by emailing [email protected]. You may also learn more about my service on my website: http://www.JoyfulRichesBeyondGrief.com/ and facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FromGrievingToJoyfulLiving/