Support Group



Monday, Oct. 28, 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024 - 6:00pm Eastern
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Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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About The Format

This program can be taught once a week for 8 weeks or twice a week for 4 weeks. There are 2-3 days in between sessions if offered twice a week. Each session is approximately 2 hours long. There is reading and assignments in between sessions. New participants can join on sessions 1 or 2; after session 2 the group is closed. GRM Support Groups are not drop in style groups. All GRM programs are confidential, structured and action oriented.

A Note From The Presenter:

Holidays come with mixed emotions, and there is typically not safe space to for those emotions to be voiced, witnessed and validated.

Come join other grievers ready to get complete with their losses in order to have some intrinsic peace this time of year and for the rest of the year.

We start slow with unpacking misinformation and myths around grief, we practice learning to be a "heart with ears" for each other and ourselves and then we receive the tools necessary to heal some unresolved emotions over a significant loss.

There are more than over 40 losses and this includes intangible loss. Choose one of your losses- whether they are alive or dead- and we will support you on your journey to completion.

You were not meant to grieve in isolation. Your loss- whatever it is- is unique to you and it matters.

So this year, don't wait until you feel like your heart is going to break into a million more pieces. Try something different this holiday season by giving yourself the gift of safety and community.

You matter.

Together we can normalize grief and help make our losses a little bit lighter.

[email protected]
instagram and facebook @bernadetteluzama

Presented by:
Bernadette Luzama Noll, MEd, GRMS

In 2023, I had a house fire that saved me physically and eventually emotionally.

Although I actively worked on healing my intangible and tangible losses, I still felt so lonely on the inside . I portrayed a strong and positive "get through anything " attitude on the outside aka "Academy Award Response to Loss".

My "temporarily relieving behaviors" of keeping busy were no longer sustainable. This rock bottom brought me to the Grief Recovery Method.

With the tangible losses of estrangement of family family members, a thirteen year legal battle with divorce, bankruptcy and loss of career and the intangible losses of safety and trust in my childhood and church, the Grief Recovery Method brought me peace and possibilities of a fresher...

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