Testimonials For Lorri Penner, BSW, RSW

4.00 Stars

Made me realize that I was grieving the loss of my brother even though he is still alive.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, ab
5.00 Stars

I cannot express enough, my gratitude for the Grief Recovery Method. I have tried other grief programs this past year and quit them as they triggered me so much. This book and program were so well written and facilitated that I am looking forward to completing the rest of my losses. I believe this method works and is so exceptional that I am considering becoming a Grief Recovery Specialist. Thank you to John and Russel and all the amazing people at the Grief Recovery Institute and my Grief Recovery Specialist Lorri. You have changed my life and helped me learn a healthy way to recover from my losses. Thank you!!!

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, AB
4.00 Stars

The program has brought out some things that have been forgotten about, good and bad. I found that it brought out things from my sub conscience. It's good to say things out loud with another person listening. Things that you didn't realize had such an impact on your life. It was effective to make the life and relationship graphs. The letter that was written at the end was a form of release.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
4.00 Stars

I am so thankful for the tools I learned so I can work on other losses I have experienced.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
5.00 Stars

The program helped me to think about things from my past that needed to be dealt with. There were many good things, like first day of school, scouts and other related happy memories and there was also sad or things I may have been sad or ungrateful about. I was able to look at them all and share these feelings with another very trusted group partner. Some emotions I had not shared with any body else.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
5.00 Stars

I did find the first 3-4 weeks quite slow, with all these rules I found opposing to my ideas of empathy and understanding. But as the weeks progressed I realized the first half of the course was setting the stage, teaching us new valuable ideas to not only deal with our grief, but also dealing with someone else's grief and what should and should not be said or done. By the last week and last exercise, the concept made much more sense and I appreciated how our Facilitator, Lorri, outlined weekly what to do, and lured us to come back to complete the process. I would recommend this, and even suggest it before someone ends up with a backpack full such as what I came in with. Thank you Lorri

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, AB
4.00 Stars

Graphing my losses and griefs really opened my eyes.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program gave me insight on how to complete all losses I have had. It was interesting to learn that I could actually follow the grief support method with a living person or life-changing event. I will be going through this process for more of the losses in my life. Thank you for the opportunity to learn how to properly complete losses in my life; this course is has been such a valuable tool for me and I will continue with the process as I move forward in my life.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

The program presented a very specific and unique path to recovery. The facilitators guided our group through the steps with honesty and in a caring manner. They demonstrated very clear exercises consistent with the handbook. They then explained what we were to complete for the next week. Each of these exercises were fundamental steps to the next weeks work. The goal is to have a complete grief experience and this certainly happened for me.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

After my beloved dog died, I was lost. I struggled to make it through the day and each moment I was on the verge of tears and collapse. My heart was broken and no one really cared because it was "Just a dog'. I was on facebook one evening and an ad came up about pet loss being as real as people loss with grief. I felt like it was there especially for me. I clicked on it and was taken to a facebook page where it was filled with kindness and so gentle. I messaged Lorri and we met on Zoom to talk about the program. I was so desperate I decided to give it a try. We met in person for the 6 weeks and she was there for me when ever I needed help or support. Were there tears? Yes there were many but as the weeks went on the tears felt different. I learned that tears are okay and with Lorri was a safe space to let them fall. I am so proud that I finished this program and have healed my heart! I still miss Luna, my beloved baby girl, but I am able to talk about her without all the pain I felt before. I am forever grateful. Lorri also told me about the podcast her and a colleague do and each new episode I am filled with hope. I am looking forward to attending an 8 week program this fall to start healing my heart on the many other losses I have. Thank you Grief Recovery Method and thank you Lorri for your kind gentle heart.xo

Pet Loss Support Groups
4.00 Stars

It helped me deal with the death of my father even though it occurred many years ago.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

The program helped me gain emotional peace with my loss and to understand the misguided messages of the culture around me and its expectations.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

One evening my life became unbearable. I had experienced a loss and the pain was too great and I decided I did not want to live any more. Thankfully friends found me and took me to the local hospital and what happened there changed my life forever. An ER doctor after hearing my story told me about a woman in the city that he knew of that worked with people who had experienced losses in their life and he said after working with her, their lives changed. He gave me her phone number and encouraged me to call her. The next morning I phoned Lorri and we talked for almost an hour. During that time I felt cared for and that she heard every word I said, and she didn't judge me at all which was not something I was used to because I always felt judged. I decided to give the 1 on 1 program a shot because honestly what did I have to lose? Each week Lorri and I would have our session and each week of the journey I learned more than I ever imagined. Lorri would use examples from her own losses to demonstrate and explain the concepts and this helped me so much. I realized that in my life I had experienced so many losses and I did exactly what I was taught to do, I put them in my backpack and tried to ignore them. Lorri was available to answer any questions I had by email, text or phone and her answers were always explained in a way that I could understand. This woman has changed my life! I am excited to be alive now and I know how to complete other losses in my life now too thanks to Lorri and The Grief Recovery Program! I also want to add, a few weeks after finishing the program, a small parcel arrived in the mail. I opened it up and in there was a small rose quartz heart with a hand written note from Lorri. This heart was sent as a reminder of the work we did so I could heal my broken heart. Thank you.

One-on-One Online Support
4.00 Stars

I now have the tools to help deal with any grief / loss and help my family and friends when they are dealing with their grief / losses.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I have discovered new tools how to deal with loss. Thank you.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Lorri helped to normalize my experience and give me "permission" to experience my own unique pain and loss. Although I remain sad and grieving, she helped me find a sense of peace with living in this pain and loss transition zone.

One-on-One Support
5.00 Stars

Helped me to be able to cope with the loss of my husband and deal with previous childhood traumas. Lorri Penner and Brian Magee were extremely helpful in teaching me how to release past baggage. Exceptional coordinators.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, AB
4.00 Stars

I have a much better understanding of grief and that it is a natural reaction to a myriad of losses. The program has given me strategies how to deal with my grief. My energy level has improved and I have less anxiety. My sense of well being has improved. The loss history graph has made me aware of my losses and that I need to deal with them. I plan on attending the next alumni 4 week session to do so.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge , Alberta
4.00 Stars

I began the program shortly after my husbands death. I thought it was too soon, that I should still stay home and away from people.On the very first group session, I learned that I was exactly where I needed to be. Each time we met, I thought I'll try one more night, but each session taught me something valuable, so I kept going. I believe that because of Brian and Lorri, their empathy, knowledge, support and love they have for how this program really works, I have successfully completed my loss with my husband, his death, our history together. I am okay. I will be sad for a long time, but I can think of memories we shared and smile, and laugh! The ugly memories and trauma are no longer at the fore front of my mind. I will forever be grateful for the program and the support I received.

Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, AB
5.00 Stars

I had no hope for a better tomorrow. I was lost and didn’t know I was grieving a huge loss, my job and career.

One-on-One Support
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
5.00 Stars

Lorri Penner has a gift in helping people shift through grief of any kind. Lorri believed in me and gave me a new lease on life when I was struggling and led me on a healing journey that truly changed my life. She took my calls and texts in stride and always made time for me when I needed it most. She is one of the most heart-centered leaders I know and has a heart of pure gold. I cannot recommend Lorri and this program enough. If you or someone you love is looking to as Lorri said, heal your broken heart, she is who you need on this journey. What I have learned is that grief is not only about loss from a death, grief is normal and okay, we are not flawed because we are grieving, our losses are all unique, and being heard is critical to our journey. Thank you!

One-on-One Support
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Lethbridge, Alberta
