Testimonials For Michelle Vickers
Working with Michelle was great. I never felt ashamed or judged. It was like friends just talking and working through letting go.
One-on-One Support02/28/2024Participant in Wheatland, Wy
Michelle listens. She doesn't judge or condemn, she listens. It has help me more than I can express.
One-on-One Support01/24/2024Participant in Wheatland, Wy
After going through the GRM 8-week program I now have the tools I need to address additional past losses, as well as any that will inevitably come my way in the years ahead.
Support Groups01/08/2024Participant in Chugwater, Wyoming
One-on-One Support11/01/2023Participant in Wheatland, Wyoming
One-on-One Support10/07/2023Participant in Wheatland, Wy
I walked away from this with so many tools…tools to deal with my pain and grief as well as tools to deal With all that in other people’s lives that are dear to me. I am blessed to have done this program. It was not easy, but I am so thankful that I stuck it out and finished it completely. Michelle was amazing to work with. I felt so comfortable working with her!
Support Groups10/04/2023Participant in Chugwater, Wy
She was very helpful and very accommodating because my health is not the best and she accommodated to when I could be there always ready to help
One-on-One Support07/12/2023Participant in Guernsey, Wyoming
Helped me to get past some issues that I was holding on to.
Support Groups03/07/2023Participant in Wheatland, Wyoming
Was comfortable,shared alot of emotions although hard to recall events of many years back.
Support Groups03/07/2023Participant in Wheatland, Wy
Acknowledgement of personal responsibility. Also the freedom to be liberated from unhealthy thoughts and habits.
Support Groups03/07/2023Participant in Wheatland, Wyoming