Testimonials For Suzanne Dito, MA
I reached out to Suzy while overwhelmed With feelings Of sadness, fear, loneliness. She suggested i could benefit From dealing With recent changes or losses in my life. She patiently worked With me through our weekly sessions and homework assignments to peel off the layers Of expectations , guilt, pain to reach the core of my relationship with my son. She helped me understand the need for forgiveness and compassion towards myself. The process was painful at times but having the help of the grief recovery book and Suzy allowed me to understand and trust the process. I highly recommend the program to anyone experiencing loss ( either presently or in the past) that limits their ability to being present here and now.
One-on-One Support06/17/2022
The program doesn't structure your emotions, which will come out whenever they want to, but it does give you some much-needed structure to process your thoughts and feelings. It also prepares you for how you might feel and makes you feel normal for feeling certain things.
One-on-One Support11/03/2021
This program has given me a template to work on other losses. I am an older person and am reviewing my life for unfinished business as relates to losses. I chose to start with one that seemed less fraught with emotion than others as a “ practice” work. I will be using this program again in the future. Working with Suzanne was a privilege. Would highly recommend her to others interested in working with grief/loss. A comment I should have made elsewhere regarding the book. I think at times the tenor of the book is a bit too enthusiastic, striking me as promoting this as the end all answer to dealing with loss. As I said above, I am older, have had other experiences dealing with loss and know there is not just one best way. It is possible that people approaching their losses for the first time may misinterpret.
One-on-One Support09/29/2021