Testimonials For Emile Maxi
The facilitator demonstrated a high level of professionalism, was knowledgeable and explained to me how to go about the assignments and am glad that I always did my assignments as required. The facilitator was empathetic, kind, patient and a good listener. The grief recovery sessions were therapeutic, which has helped me to be emotionally complete.
One-on-One Online Support06/02/2024Participant in N/A, N/A
There were things in my life that caused grief but I put a sugarcoat on, covers it up and try to move on with my life, and when ask how are you? I would force a smile out and answered “I’m ok I’m doing well” Now I’m honest about my feelings, and know how to navigate through life a lot better with my tools that I have received from the program
One-on-One Online Support02/16/2024Participant in Richmond hill, Ontario
The facilitator was very calm, and he helped me a great deal in reaching to where I have gotten today.
Support Groups02/06/2024Participant in Ajax, On
He was very accommodating, listened attentively, explained and discuss throughly what was read in the book. Gave tips on moving forward to thrive and live a meaningful life.
Support Groups12/22/2023Participant in Na, Na
One-on-One Online Support12/21/2023Participant in N/A, N/A
One-on-One Online Support11/24/2023Participant in Oshawa, ON
I’m very grateful that the program handed me tools that I just used and beneficial and I know I will applying them on my future losses or grief to help me navigate through the issues I will go through. Very inspiring! I’m very thankful for such a great such a supportive program as this!
One-on-One Online Support04/26/2023Participant in Gibsonia, PA
The program has helped me to realize all the unresolved greif and truly let go. It has given me the coping skills needed to embark on a better me.
One-on-One Support06/14/2022
One-on-One Support05/12/2022
I was able to change the way I think and behave towards others
One-on-One Support03/25/2022
Program has been very beneficial in that I got to close and complete the pain I had been bearing for more than a decade. I am now free and lightweighted.
One-on-One Online Support03/03/2022
It has Helped Me find deep rooting issues in my life that were left open-ended and incomplete. As a result, it has improved my life and my marriage. For this, I am Truly Grateful. In short this program and Pastor Emile Maxi has changed my life for the better.
One-on-One Support01/07/2022
One-on-One Online Support12/14/2021
This program has helped me to react calmly to situations which would have caused me to explode and then live to regret my actions afterwards.
One-on-One Support10/26/2021
When I first heard about the program I was very skeptical if this would be helpful for me. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to participate in a process that would bring about many feelings and emotions I didn't know I could deal with. However my facilitator Emile Maxi made all the difference in my journey of healing. He created an environment that allowed me to be comfortable to express my feelings without judgement. Empathetic to my specific experience of loss and allowed me to express the flood of emotions that followed in a safe and healthy way. He was encouraging, enlightening, knowledgeable and kind. I now look back on the losses and no longer grieve so intensely but appreciate the time we shared together. I was able to find closure of the past; forgive and now look toward creating a brighter future. There are other relationships I will work on but now I feel I am equipped with the tools to manage those challenging relationships in a healthy way. This is a program that could be a benefit to everyone. Thank-You for sharing this beautiful gift of healing.
One-on-One Support06/27/2021
It was good to let everything negative and positive about a relationship. Had and got to say what I wanted to and to think that holding the grief in would make me mentally unstable to which I would be a “award winning griever” wouldn’t be able to do my day to day things and enjoy life if I hadn’t completed the grief recovery. Everything does take time
Support Groups05/30/2021
Its helped me gain the tools I need to properly react to lifes challenges when it comes to relationships with the people in our lives.
One-on-One Support05/30/2021
One-on-One Support05/30/2021
The program helped me through the worst time of life, dealing with the loss of my son. Mr. Maxi, was very thoughtful, patient, understanding and demonstrated high level of genuine care for my loss.
One-on-One Support05/25/2021
One-on-One Support05/24/2021
The Grief Recovery Method was very informative and deep. My loss was very very significant but was given the tools to manage and truly recover. The sessions were overwhelming and painful but there was some relief after the expressions from the heart. I am pleased that I was able to read the book that was written by real people with real experiences. Excellent programme I would recommend.
One-on-One Support05/24/2021