Testimonials For Jules Lawrence

5.00 Stars

I lost my brother suddenly, I usually handle death by distraction, work longer hours, tend to kids, workout etc. anything so that the pain does not take over. I have always used my inside voice as my cheer leader to get me through. I was not prepared to handle the passing of my big brother, I had already lost my dad at an early age and my mother back in 2004 and numerous other deaths through out the years. I knew right away I needed help so I reached out within days for assistance through work. The Greif counsellor assigned to me only talked to me, there was no real process in place. I was connected with Jules Lawrence and immediately was given homework! Reading, I thought how am I to focus on reading when feeling so down? Once I picked up the book and followed Jules instructions I started to understand that I needed to go through my past in order to get through to my present. It was a rollercoaster of emotions that I didn’t realize were lurking in me that I needed to address and work through. I felt totally raw and exhausted each week and it was hard but I would not change any of it! I am so grateful to have had Jules walk me through my grief, I did not feel alone and was strong enough to get through the program leaving behind the rocks that weighed me down and a new found understanding of dealing with loss. I have already recommended my husband and several friends to this program as i firmly believe in the process of The Grief Recovery Method. I will also be mentioning it to my HR department.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Toronto, Ontario
5.00 Stars

Between the program and my facilitator I found it to be extremely helpful in understanding and taking care of the emotional pain I’ve been dealing with for way too long. Just wish I new about it earlier.

One-on-One Support