Testimonials For Sharon Mackel

5.00 Stars
Support Groups
Participant in Beachwood, Ohio
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
4.00 Stars

The Grief Recovery Method is helping me explore the sources of grief in my life and begin the journey to healing.

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars

A better understanding of the grief process.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I would say this program has allowed me to successfully express my feelings and I have learned how to help people when they are grieving. I learned what not to do when someone is grieving. I have released years of hurt and pain. I realized losing my job, the death of a long-time co-worker, and the loss of a long-term relationship all around the same time took a toll on me. I am still a work in progress, however; I feel myself getting stronger every day.

Support Groups
4.00 Stars

I am now processing my grief and no longer in the state of depression I was in. I could not see past my grief or how I would start moving forward and this program put everything in perspective for me and let me know it is a process that I will start to heal from. I am still on my healing journey and the program was definitely a factor in helping start to heal.

One-on-One Support
4.00 Stars

It really helped me think about grief in new ways and help me understand my loss and it's impact. It also helped me not feel like I'm alone in my grief and that my feelings were normal.

One-on-One Online Support
4.00 Stars

I just recently completed the program, but I feel as if a part of a heavy load has been removed from my shoulders. I have learned some tools that should help me to continue to work thru my remaining issues

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

II was able to work through some issues that I didn't realize were still causing me grief. I feel that I will be more prepared for dealing with any loss or grief in the future.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars
Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I learned that grief is not limited to death. This program helped me to dive deep into the trauma that has had a chokehold on me since I was a child. I was able to name it, define it, understand it and better understand how it has impacted me and the historic roots beyond me that fed my trauma. Although I have been aware for a very long time that "something is wrong". this program played a huge role in removing the fog and helped me to focus on to moving forward without returning the the "scene" of the problem.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

Star Rating: Outstanding The program introduced me to the reality that grieving is for reasons other than death. It also helped to flush out and address deeply rooted trauma that has kept me functioning despite the fact that I have been emotionally sick for years. It was very tough to refrain from commenting; however, that was a good exercise in self-control and self-discipline.

Support Groups
5.00 Stars

I was able to work through some issues that I didn't realize that I had related to a loss that occurred over40 years ago. I am now able to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship rather than the issues that caused the loss. I feel like I will be better prepared in dealing with any loss that may occur in the future.

Support Groups