Testimonials For One-on-One Support
***Please don’t post my name online. Thank you!*** My facilitator was amazing. She helped me identify and feel my feelings, which I had locked away long ago. She helped me build tools for coping and working through with my feelings more effectively, not just deaths but also everyday relationships and experiences. I’m so grateful for the Grief Recovery Method. Thank you! ***Please don’t post my name online. Thank you!***
One-on-One Support01/15/2024Participant in Vancouver, Wa
One-on-One Support01/09/2024Participant in Wisconsin Rapids, WI
My facilitator was so patient & understanding with me. I felt she got who I was & could help me walk through this program to receive healing.
One-on-One Support01/09/2024Participant in Vancouver, Washington
Renee is kind, gently and caring. She walked me through the process with a gentle strength. I cannot imagine anyone better.
One-on-One Support12/28/2023Participant in Xenia, Ohio
Основна робота тривала майже два місяці - жовтень-грудень 2023. І відбувалася у співпраці з неймовірно прекрасною, доброю, чуйною, делікатною, тактовною, достатньо витриманою і, де потрібно, твердою і непохитною Тетяна Наумова. Завершилася вона тоді останнім самостійним завданням. А на нього у мене пішло так багато часу.
І ось, я справилася. Так, рідна мені людина не змінилася. Зміни відбулися у моїх спогадах, у тих словах, думках та почуттях, деколи неусвідомлених, чи прихованих, чи забутих, несказаних, затиснутих, що я мала змогу тепер і зараз усвідомити та прописати і озвучити своїй інстукторці.
Ще працюючи з Тетяною я відчула зміни на краще. Гарні, добрі, ніжні, щасливі спогади стали більш близькими і вагомішими. Болючі вдалося вивільнити та зменшити їх гостроту. Багато що я побачила по-новому, по -інакшому. Багато дізналася і про себе, того, що вже зараз я змогла змінити, і того, на що потрібен буде час і мої власні зусилля.
З точкою у останньому завданні я наче по інакшому стала дихати. Наче навіть кров у мені стала рухатися по другому. Моя рідна людина , моя мамочка. Я нарешті можу дозволити собі наблизитися ближче до тебе, віддати тобі, поки ти поряд, належну тобі любов і шану. Мені легше бути з тобою, отримувати і віддавати. Допомагати і підтримувати тебе з ніжністю. Раніше я про це тільки мріяла.
Я не ідеалізую свої результати. Бачу, що є ще те, що мені не вдається, чи те, чого боюся від мами отримати, чи моя до неї упередженість. Та все одно, відносини стали легші для мене.
Неочікувано для мене ці зміни вплинули і на наші стосунки з синочком. Не тільки до мамочки, а і до свого синочка стало ще більше розуміння, більше ніжності і любові.
Роботу продовжую.One-on-One Support12/21/2023Participant in Poltava,
My facilitator was wonderful! She did a great job of explaining how the process would work as well as providing examples. Her total honesty with me made it much easier for me to be honest and vulnerable with her. Being able to speak those thoughts and feelings with total honesty was a game changer. It really helped me move forward in the grief process. My facilitator made me feel heard and understood. It is so helpful to have her know everything I had been carrying, and to be able to trust her with it.
One-on-One Support12/18/2023Participant in Wisconsin Rapids, WI
One-on-One Support12/15/2023Participant in London, London
My experience with Hannah Wachter was fantastic! She was so kind, empathetic, honest, encouraging and she was always such a fantastic listener. She clearly experienced the process as we went through all the chapters. She was in constant contact with kind encouragement throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend Hannah and as a matter of fact I have already told a few friends looking for grief counseling about her.
One-on-One Support12/14/2023Participant in Clackamas, Oregon
One-on-One Support12/08/2023Participant in Peterborough, Ontario
Coincidentally (or was it?), my counselor had actually been the Chaplain at the hospice that cared for my wife in her last day, so I had met him even before he was recommended to me by a pastor at my church. He was very knowledgeable and had the training and credentials to include my faith in my counseling. I would recommend him to others and have given his business card to others I know that were in need of help.
One-on-One Support12/07/2023Participant in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Скорбота - це частина нашого життя з якою необхідно правильно працювати. Програма "Відновлення після втрат" допомагає це робити. Мені стало набагато легше працювати із своєю скорботою викликаною особистою втратою. Так само програма поглиблює розуміння історії твого життя та причино наслідкові звязки у твоєму минулому, щоб з легкістю жити майбутнє.
One-on-One Support12/06/2023Participant in Kyiv,
I learned so much about my past, and myself
One-on-One Support12/06/2023Participant in Findlay, Ohio
Deborah was so helpful! I continued to see her after the completion of the program, even in the present, so now she has been my therapist for almost a year and a half. I am so grateful for her expertise and support!
One-on-One Support12/05/2023Participant in San Diego, CA
Jade Swenson has been instrumental in making the GRM (which was completely unknown to me) accessible, transformative and human! She has the talent, the knowledge and the emotional intelligence to lead such an important program. Jade's attitude was professional, respectful, welcoming and warm while being a fantastic guide thoughout our sessions. She is a good listener and knows how to strike the right balance between listening, sharing her experiences and providing advice. I would strongly recommend her as Grief Recovery Specialist/Facilitator.
One-on-One Support12/02/2023Participant in Rose Hill, Plaines Wilhems
Really, perfect. Provided a safe environment to work through my grief and to identify some tools to use. Can't say enough about my facilitator, her style and assistance.
One-on-One Support11/30/2023Participant in Wilmington, ohio
Laurie Gutierez was an incredible facilitator and showed the utmost respect and consideration to me during my time in the program and during our sessions.
One-on-One Support11/30/2023Participant in Beale AFB, California
Leah was so patient and empathetic while listening without criticism or judgement. I truly felt safe to share my truths and each session/hw was explained in perfect detail. There were times during the week where I'd have a question, and she never hesitated to respond back. I hadn't realized how freeing it was to have someone just LISTEN.
One-on-One Support11/29/2023Participant in Mesa, AZ
One-on-One Support11/27/2023Participant in Herndon, VA
One-on-One Support11/27/2023Participant in Salina, Kansas
Being more focused on the words I use or don’t use in my relationships
One-on-One Support11/26/2023Participant in Edmonton, AB
Julie really is an exceptional person who brought a very welcoming and engaging personal touch to the program. While the program itself would undoubtedly have been very helpful I feel Julie's support and delivery elevated the experience by an order of magnitude.
One-on-One Support11/24/2023Participant in Whickham, Tyne and Wear
My experience with the facilitator was outstanding. He was patient, empathetic and honest. I would recommend him to anyone.
One-on-One Support11/24/2023Participant in Dayton, Oh
One-on-One Support11/21/2023Participant in Brush Prairie, WA
I felt so comfortable to open up freely! I mean I was talking about things I was never able to talk to my own parents about! Definitely a lot of tears but totally worth it
One-on-One Support11/20/2023Participant in San Antonio, Tx