When I found the Grief Recovery Method, I was at a challenging point in life. My partner had died and I was alone in a new city struggling with such profound grief. What I didn't understand was that I'd been carrying a lot of unresolved grief and loss that had accumulated over my life. Working through the Grief Recovery Method helped me see the impact of the losses I'd experienced and take steps to work through them. It was such a powerful transformation that I was inspired share it with others.
My mission is to provide a safe environment for people to look at their old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected their lives, and take actions that will lead them to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing them pain.
I'm located in Boulder, Colorado, where I provide in-person and online programs to help individuals or groups with:
* Recovery from grief & loss
* Healing after the loss of a relationship
* Helping children with grief & loss
* Grieving the loss of a pet
* Exploring the impact of a job loss
* And more
I am also available to work online with individuals and groups. Loss can have profound effects on our lives. Please reach out if you'd like to explore how the Grief Recovery Method might help you move through grief and loss so you can feel happy and optimistic about life.