Jay is a Clinical Hospice Nurse who specializes in guiding grievers to meaningful & lasting healing and re-engagement with life, whether their losses are death-related or not.
He also trains Substance Abuse Treatment Centers to provide Grief-Informed Care, and delivers Grief Recovery services to their clients to prevent grief-related relapse & substance abuse.
He is an award-winning compassionate & skilled hospice & palliative care clinician who assures that patients die more tenderly, and that grievers grieve more gently.
He consults with families and patients on End-of-Life decision-making and consensus-building.
Jay was trained in Grief Recovery in 1993 to broaden the services he was able to offer his patients and their families, and also to heal his own grief, related to the deaths of multiple important people in his life, as well as to heal the tremendous personal losses attached to his childhood incest & abuse.
Finally, Jay speaks nationally on End-of-Life issues and the powerful Grief Recovery technique.
He's also author of the best-selling "Compassionate Journeys: Lessons From My Work With the Dying."