Joy Dabbs, JD, C.Ht.
Foundational Certification  
Email Specialist


Los Angeles, CA

Phone Number

+1 214 552 1136


Programs Presented In


The heaviness, the hurt, numbness, and oh, the great mental confusion that comes with grief! So many things people just don't tell you about the actual experience of living with grief. As a visitor to this site, I'm so sure you can relate. My heart goes out to you for your loss, whatever that may be.

I too, have suffered significant loss, which is the reason why I became a Grief Recovery Specialist. In the economic fallout of 2008, I lost my job, career, network, friends, professional aspirations, home, and belongings, not to mention my self-esteem, confidence, belief in my ability to produce positive results, or any beliefs I had formerly held that the universe rewards you with that which you seek and go after. I lost things I didn't even have yet, and some stuff I didn't even know was coming! A few years later my sister died. And then my mom. They were my angel friends on this big, impersonal swirling ball. And then, during the worst time in my life, they were gone.

I was stuck in that place of hurt and confusion, lost for years. I tried, therapy, church, meditation, yoga, good ol' fashioned prayer and begging. But what helped me get unstuck and process my grief so that I could FEEL LIFE AGAIN is the Grief Recovery Method.

It was difficult for me because I received no concern for the losses I suffered that were not the physical death of loved ones. So, while the loss of the relationships with my sister and mother were acknowledged and supported, I received dismissiveness, denial, and diminishment for the loss of those intangible but very important things that create a life. So I was left to mourn alone while pretending I was ok. I so wasn't.

So, whether you are recently grieving the loss of a loved one or something significant to you or your life, or you find yourself stuck, unable to deeply and truly mourn the loss of what has not been acknowledged (non-death related loss, or the death-related loss of a relationship that society doesn't condone, etc)., I am here for you.

Nothing hidden can heal. The only way out is through. Take my hand, we'll go through.

~ Joy Dabbs

Currently certified to lead:
- One-on-One Grief Support (Online)
- One-on_One Grief Support (In-Person)
- Grief Support Group (In-Person)

Services currently offered only in the Southern California region.

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This program is for people who prefer to work one-on-one rather than in a group setting. The 7-session format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs and can be completed in-person with a Grief Recovery Method Specialist specifically trained to help people move through loss with dignity and respect.

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Joy Dabbs, JD, C.Ht.


Los Angeles, CA

Phone Number

+1 214 552 1136
