Alumni Support Groups
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024
Registration Closed
Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.
About The Format
The GRM Alumni Group is for those who have previously completed the Method in either the 1-1 or group formats. In this program, participants will be able to work through an additional loss they have experienced using the tools of the Method they learned previously. The GRM Alumni groups provide the emotional support, safety, and confidentiality you are familiar with as you complete what is emotionally incomplete and a source of pain for you.
A Note From The Presenter:
Welcome back beautiful humans! If you are looking at this description you know of the freedom and peace you received in doing your first Grief Recovery Completion letter. You must be ready to get complete with another loss. I am so thrilled for you! Looking forward to reconnecting (and connecting) with fellow "Hearts with Ears".
This program is open to anyone who has attended 8-week GRM group programs or one-on-one individual program. The only other requirement is that you have successfully completed all aspects of whichever program they attended, including the Completion Letter.This group can be made up of people who were not in the same groups together, again as long as they have completed at least one full Grief Recovery Method. Each session is approximately 2 hours or less
Week 1: Introductions, Connections, Community How has GRM helped you? Which loss is your focus?
Week 2: Share Relationship Graphs; Prep for Recovery Component Statements
Week 3: Share draft statements in their small groups.
Week 4: Share the reading of their Completion Letters, and the group says good-bye to each other.
Payment $212