Lois Hall, MS
Foundational Certification  
Online Capabilities Trained  
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist  
Certification Trainer  
2.5 Day Workshop Facilitator  
Email Specialist


westerville, OH

Phone Number

+1 614 620 3664

Programs Presented In


I don't know about you - but sometimes life just seems so overwhelming and exhausting I just want to feel re-energized.  Everyone can have a happier, healthier, more hope-filled life, and for me - on those overwhelming days (or weeks...), I'm thankful for the Grief Recovery Method tools I have that help me put it all back in perspective to go on with more vigor and zeal.  I can help you get that back too!  Read on - then give me a call or send an email, so I can help you too.

So - here's a little bit about me.  I'm Lois Hall and I live in Westerville, Ohio.  Professionally, I've enjoyed a long and exciting career in Public Health and it was actually my work there that lead me to the Grief Recovery Method.

I was the first person to do AIDS epidemiology in Ohio back in 1981 when the disease was first recognized.  The grief was immense!  I met John James and invited him to come to Ohio to share his work with the people working in the AIDS field.  I was hooked!!!  Everything he said made such sense.  I was trained/certified by John in 1998 and have been providing the GRM in my community since then.  In addition to the loss I was feeling at work, my dad died of metastatic colon cancer in 1990 and my mom died of a combination of cancer and diabetes in 1991.  It was a pretty overwhelming time....  

In 2001 I was invited to become a trainer for the Grief Recovery Institute.  I strongly believe that unresolved grief is a major - largely unaddressed - Public Health issue, and, as such, I'm now working to help bridge my two loves - Public Health and the Grief Recovery Method - with the hope that together we can "make a difference, one life at a time."   In addition to my work with HIV/AIDS, I also have a passion for helping the LGBTQAI+ community in general, those impacted by the drug epidemic, those who are, or have been incarcerated in prison, and also clergy.  Sounds odd to have them in that list of "passion populations" but I have found that often our clergy families have lives just like the rest of us - which often includes the same kinds of losses or circumstances... they just have a harder time of finding support or even being able to talk about their losses.  

I typically provide both group and one-on-one Grief Recovery  Method programs, as well as the four-session program, Helping Children with Loss, using the book "When Children Grieve," also written by John W. James and Russell Friedman.  I can also provide online Grief Recovery Method sessions, one-on-one,  the two-day Personal Workshop format, and now the Helping  Children with Loss Online program, and the 8 week group program online, as an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist. 

I live in the Columbus, Ohio area and have an awesome husband, three adult children, two daughters-in-law and a couple of the smartest, cutest grands ever!  ... oh and some grand-cats and a grand-dog too!

I was honored to be the first guest on the Feel Free Again Podcast with GRI President, Cole James in Feb 2024.  You can hear that at this link - https://youtu.be/f2YrP657WwE?si=fc5KROmnOoSJPLHg

Listen to a podcast from 10/13/23    Creating a Happier, Healthier, Hope-filled Life



Here are links to a blog and video I did on covid and grief -   blog - https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/blog/2022/10/covid-grief-and-healing      video - https://www.facebook.com/griefrecoverymethod/videos/5604104066313449

If you're looking for a conference or meeting speaker, you can view these examples of my presentations -

.  first on Grief as a Public Health Issue, https://griefrecoverymethod.wistia.com/medias/yjxdjso2rv   

.  second, on my work with Grief Recovery inside a correctional facility, https://griefrecoverymethod.wistia.com/medias/9ra4g1kl90

.  third - In April, 2020, I had the opportunity to do a live Zoom webinar for the Ohio State University Alumni Association on the topic of Grief in the Age of the Coronavirus.   If you'd like to watch this presentation, you can find it at this link - https://vimeo.com/412459504/1e414aa7fd.    



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Video Testimonials

Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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Online and In-Person

Specialist Rating For In-Person

5 Reviews

Specialist Rating For Online

1 Reviews

This program is for people who prefer to work one-on-one rather than in a group setting. The 7-session format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs and can be completed in-person or online with a Grief Recovery Method Specialist specifically trained to help people move through loss with dignity and respect.

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The vast majority of parents find themselves at a loss when trying to help their children deal with any grieving experience that impacts them. This 4-week program is designed to teach parents, and others who work with children, the necessary tools to help children effectively deal with their broken hearts, no matter the loss they are facing.

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The loss of a pet can be emotionally devastating. Sadly, the impact of the heartbreak of this type of loss is often downplayed or ignored by friends and family. This 6-meeting program is focused on offering pet owners an effective mechanism for taking action to move through and beyond their grief.

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Lois Hall, MS


westerville, OH

Phone Number

+1 614 620 3664