Liz McCormack
Foundational Certification  
Online Capabilities Trained  
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist  
Email Specialist


Basking Ridge, NJ

Phone Number

+1 908 246 1008


Programs Presented In


In the summer of 2012, Liz and her sister attended Tara Brach’s ‘Radical Acceptance’ meditation retreat at the Omega Institute. This was a respite from caring for their mother who was suffering from lung cancer. The weekend shifted their focus from ‘doing for’ her to ‘being with’ her, so that those precious moments with their mother were more intentional, present and deeply heartfelt.

Liz is an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist in The Grief Recovery Method. She teaches an action-based program to help individuals heal from life’s deepest heartbreaks. The 7-week course gently begins by exploring how we have been taught to grieve and reflecting on the myths of grief. Liz walks through the steps as grievers, to move beyond our pain. This class is currently offered 1x1 and groups, online via Zoom.

Liz has been guiding mindfulness meditation since 2013 - a student on the path, sharing her learnings and practice. Using the breath as a bridge between the mind and the heart, she helps us come home to ourselves - by tenderly opening our hearts, caring for our inner experience and then letting that goodness ripple out into the world. Liz facilitates a 20-minute meditation (weekdays at 8:30am) and co-leads the Breath, Stretch and Meditate program with Michelle Sabourin (Saturdays at 10:00am).

In 2010, Liz completed her Reiki Master training and provides Reiki sessions for clients.
Additionally, she has completed the following in person and online transformational programs: Pema Chodron’s ‘Noble Heart’ and ‘Embracing the Unknown’; The Power of Awareness with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield; and Tara Brach’s Radical Acceptance and True Refuge weekend retreat programs; and the Voice Dialogue Method 36 hour training.
In 2015, in addition to her Corporate Treasury and Vendor Management responsibilities, Liz initiated and led the Corporate Mindfulness Program at OppenheimerFunds, Inc., providing weekly live meditations and heart-path discussions. She co-created an internal website to help with de-stressing techniques.

Liz is a volunteer with Atlantic Healthcare’s Visiting Nurse Assoc. Hospice program.
To learn more about Liz and her offerings, please visit

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Online and In-Person

Specialist Rating For In-Person

1 Reviews

This program is for people who prefer to work one-on-one rather than in a group setting. The 7-session format utilizes the same proven materials as the group programs and can be completed in-person or online with a Grief Recovery Method Specialist specifically trained to help people move through loss with dignity and respect.

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Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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Liz McCormack


Basking Ridge, NJ

Phone Number

+1 908 246 1008
