Hello, my name is Kelley Ross -Hopkins and I understand that you may have experienced some events in your life that have left you feeling lost, empty, depressed, detached or just unsure. Greif and Trauma is a universal and human experience and is often interconnected. I have a Bachelor's is Social Work, I am a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor III, Mother, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother and Friend. Since childhood I have been dealing with grief, or trauma starting at age 6 with trauma and my father's death at age 15 . At times
throughout my life I found myself lost with no understanding, feeling empty, depressed, scared not realizing that I had never really recovered. I was carrying, burying, or medicating them, while life was producing even more. I would seek comfort in counseling, support groups, family, careers or education, and it just didn't work. When certain feelings would resurface and become overwhelming sometimes my life would fall apart. I was recommended to take The Greif Recovery Method through a church I had recently joined during another mission to repair my life once again, so that I could volunteer. My response was " I don't need to take no grief/loss class I'm a clinical counselor", yet I did it anyway. This is when I discovered I had unresolved grief and trauma, and it was affecting my decisions, relationships, health, faith and future plans. The Grief Recovery Method has changed my life. It has been the most valuable coping skill that I use today, and I utilize it often. I would love to share this with you in your journey of feeling better and moving forward.