Hello, my name is Desiree Carlin. I was certified as a Grief Recovery Method Specialist in 2002 by Russell Friedman. I am also a BSW and have worked in hospice numerous years as a Bereavement Coordinator. I have a passion for Grief work being done correctly. I enjoy seeing people progress through the Grief Recovery Method. This method is so validating to the griever in that it takes grief out of your head and into your heart. Grief is caused by a broken heart, not a broken head. I am so excited to do this healing and recovery work with you one-on-one or in a group setting. I came to the Institute due to the death of my father. With the simple grief assignments breaking down each step of my grief, I am complete with my father. I serve as a Specialist in the Ogden Utah Area through Myer's Mortuary. This is a free service, except for the payment of the Grief Recovery Handbook. This service usually has a charge, but I am able to provide it free for those who are grieving. Please remember that the healing of your heart, just as any physical wound, can start now.