The Grief Recovery Method is absolutely life-changing! I began my own journey after seeking counsel for the pain I was feeling following my divorce. My coach felt that what I was experiencing was not depression, but GRIEF, and she recommended that I find a Grief Specialist who was certified in the Grief Recovery Method. I had been suffering for three years, but in only a few sessions, I found freedom from the pain and from the past! I knew right away that I wanted to become certified so that I could help others find their freedom! Life is not easy, and there are so many losses that we need to process properly in order to feel like ourselves again. The Grief Recovery Method gives you effective tools to do the work in a safe and supportive environment. The healing is REAL!
Barbara Bouldin is located in Blacksburg, Virginia. She works in person or online. Please email or call her for a free 30-minute consultation!