Support Group



Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - 7:15pm United Kingdom
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Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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About The Format

This program can be taught once a week for 8 weeks or twice a week for 4 weeks. There are 2-3 days in between sessions if offered twice a week. Each session is approximately 2 hours long. There is reading and assignments in between sessions. New participants can join on sessions 1 or 2; after session 2 the group is closed. GRM Support Groups are not drop in style groups. All GRM programs are confidential, structured and action oriented.

A Note From The Presenter:

A tiny, online group providing a safe, evidence-based environment to support people dealing with all types of loss, including divorce, heartbreak, pet loss and chronic illness - as well as bereavement. You may want to learn how to better support others in their grief, and curious to experience the powerful, evidence-based methodology I work with.

The programme lasts 8 weeks, with evening sessions lasting a little over 2 hours. The programme will carefully guide participants through a proactive approach to living with grief and loss and there will be about 1 hour of reading and a bit of writing to do between sessions. Numbers will be limited to 8, and the group thoughtfully put together.

The cost is £350. Two partial bursaries are available, so please don't let cost prevent you from joining us. Do contact me to find out more.

Presented by:
Jess Goyder

Thank you for finding me in this sea of talented specialists!

Being able to do this work is one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given.

Hi - I'm Jess. I’m a licensed and qualified Grief Recovery Specialist and a volunteer bereavement counsellor for a leading UK charity, where I often work with people who have lost a loved one in traumatic circumstances.

I'm grateful for the wisdom, experience and insight my own losses and training have given me, including a Postgrad (Cert) in Psychodynamic Studies from the University of Oxford, where I focused on attachment theory and unconscious processes such as grief, loss, depression and anxiety.

Grief is the normal response to any type of loss or significant change,...

Specialist Rating For This Program

3 Reviews