Support Group



Monday, Sep. 30, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024 - 6:00pm United Kingdom
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Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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About The Format

This program can be taught once a week for 8 weeks or twice a week for 4 weeks. There are 2-3 days in between sessions if offered twice a week. Each session is approximately 2 hours long. There is reading and assignments in between sessions. New participants can join on sessions 1 or 2; after session 2 the group is closed. GRM Support Groups are not drop in style groups. All GRM programs are confidential, structured and action oriented.

Presented by:
Catherine Best, Trainer & Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist

I am an Advanced GRMS and GRI Trainer based in the UK and have 30+ years of experience in Early Years, Primary and University level education as a teacher and university lecturer, with Masters in Autism and Neurodiverse conditions.

Since certifying in 2013, I have been the proud Director of my Community Interest (Not for Profit) Company and has been funded by the National Lottery many times, alongside delivering the Grief Recovery Method through Social Prescription. I am also contracted to many large organisations nationally and internationally to support their employees through the GRM and work closely with the Health and Education Authorities.

Additionally my work with the Helping Children with Loss program has further fuelled my passion for supporting the wellbeing of...