Support Group



Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 7:30pm Eastern

Registration Closed

Our support groups offer a safe, evidence-based environment for grievers to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These groups are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

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About The Format

This program can be taught once a week for 8 weeks or twice a week for 4 weeks. There are 2-3 days in between sessions if offered twice a week. Each session is approximately 2 hours long. There is reading and assignments in between sessions. New participants can join on sessions 1 or 2; after session 2 the group is closed. GRM Support Groups are not drop in style groups. All GRM programs are confidential, structured and action oriented.

A Note From The Presenter:

This Group will meet via Zoom on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Are you seeking a deeper understanding of Grief, lost someone close to you, or looking for closure in a relationship? Do you feel stuck or that you are missing someone who is no longer there for you?

Please join us for a transformational Grief Recover Method workshop to understand your loss and the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are seeking a way to recover from their grief. The program helps you find closure through actions steps and exercises. During the 8 weekly sessions, you will explore different ways we grieve, while looking at your losses and relationships. You will discover how to find a deeper understanding and clarity to experience closure. By the end of the workshop, you will feel more connected to your heart, with the tools and practices that you can integrate into your daily life for a new sense of peace.

Register now to secure your spot in this transformative Grief Recovery Method workshop or schedule an informational call!

Presented by:
Andrea Flynn

Hi, I am Andrea Flynn and an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist®, who is available evenings and weekends in person or virtually through Zoom for individual appointments or groups.

After losing my brother unexpectedly in 2021, my heart was broken into a million pieces and my family turned upside down. Discovering the Grief Recovery Method helped me feel at peace with his death and many relationships. The 8 week grief recovery method sessions provide the tools required to process the grief, sadness, and pain. My life was forever changed and the sense of peace inspired me to become certified to help others. My goal is to give you the tools and techniques to help you process the pain of emotional loss in any...