Testimonials For One-on-One Online Support

5.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Na, Na
5.00 Stars

Meeting Marla and going through this program was truly a Godsend for me. I instantly felt a connection with Marla the first session. I was very at ease speaking to her and was able to speak openly & honestly about my experiences for the very first time. This was extremely difficult for me and I truly believe, if not for Marla, I would never have been able to face these giants of my past and finally put them to rest. She is so special! A gift from God!

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Hudson, FL
5.00 Stars

Caroline de Vega was supportive and encouraging, which made me feel safe while taking on difficult losses. She was always in my corner.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

Emily was an empathetic and professional program facilitator. I appreciated that Emily left space for me to discuss my feelings without judgment or telling me what I "should" do. I felt empowered to discover my feelings through self-reflection, and her guidance was always in the form of an offering vs a direction. I felt like I was in a safe space with Emily and have already recommended her as a coach to my friends.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

Michelle was very forthright in sharing her own experiences with grief and loss. That signaled to me that GRM would benefit me as well. She was very kind and empathetic throughout the entire process. She was a good listener and guide through the process.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in MECHANICSBURG, PA
0.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Vancouver, WA
5.00 Stars

Vicki truly is a heart with ears. One of the greatest benefits of the program is the opportunity to be truly listened to. Vicki listened deeply with great care and respect.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Austin, TX
5.00 Stars

My facilitator, as I already mentioned in one of the questions in your survey, was kind, non-judgmental and compassionate. She gently pushed me on a couple of issues I wasn't avoiding but was dealing with on an intellectual instead of an emotional level. I didn't even realize it the first time she mentioned it. In the exercise following the timeline when I was to both apologize and forgive, there was an issue I did not wish to speak to my facilitator about. She accepted that gracefully and we moved on. I appreciated that. I would highly recommend her. She's a wonderful listener who also knows when to speak. I do suspect that no matter how good a program is that who "delivers" it, who the "messenger" is can make a huge difference. I had an outstanding facilitator who led me in a meaningful way through your program. Your approach is right on target; the notion of recovery sits well with me.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

My facilitator was excellent; she explained each segment of the program thoroughly, gave me explanations and examples when I was confused, listened with care, showed empathy, and exemplified trustworthiness. I would definitely recommend her to others.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

Dawn, while maintaining a professional stance, guided me with compassion & support while I went through the grieving process.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in NA, NA
5.00 Stars

Before Dawn reached out to me I was stuck in survival mode. Sitting on the couch, overwhelmed and constantly crying after the sudden loss of my best friend. Days turned into weeks, my brain was fuzzy and I was not okay. I knew it was okay to be sad, but I didn't understand what grief was until now. I had thought there were specific steps in grief for "other people" to walk through and I thought "time would heal all wounds." Working through my loss with the GRM was not what I expected. Having someone who was empathetic, professional and present to walk through the process was invaluable to me. Without Dawn & GRM I am not sure if I would have crawled out of this internal storm alone. I learned that crying isn't weakness and that speaking truth over the losses in my life was quite helpful. Months later, I can laugh again. I can recognize behavioral patterns and responses to stress and relationships as actually losses from my life. I am confident I have the GRM tools that I can use for myself and others in the future. I honor the life of my best friend by sharing that losing her taught me how to grieve many other losses in my life and to heal my heart.

One-on-One Online Support
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Brooklyn, NY
5.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in on-line, on-line
5.00 Stars

Hazel Ann Francis was a most attentive and compassionate facilitator. She helped me work through the various stages of the Grief Recovery Program by ensuring that I understood what I was supposed to do for my homework each week/session. She also ensured that I chose significant events to complete my apologies or thank yous or significant emotional statements so that I could write my Completion Letter to my Mom. Her expressions of compassion, empathy and kindness towards me and my relationship with my Mom were outstanding. I highly recommend Hazel Ann as an excellent Grief Recovery Program facilitator.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Waterloo, Ontario
5.00 Stars

She created a safe space for me to share. I also appreciate and value talking to someone who looks like me and has shared experiences. It made it easier for me to not have to feel judged nor have to explain certain truths and experiences that are shared in our community/culture

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Crofton, MD
5.00 Stars

Please see previous note

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Moncton, New Brunswick
0.00 Stars

Gave new perspective

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Surfside, Fl
5.00 Stars

Terri is a gifted listener & healer. Her intuitive listening skills and the steps she knowledgeably and carefully guided me though in Grief Recovery brought me to a place of peace and joy that I had no idea how to get to otherwise. After years of counseling; and, trying different methods, it is such a massive relief to get to such a good place. I now have a joy for living and hope for the future—as GRM has equipped me with tools to process future challenges—as well as process past losses that may still arise as I go through life.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N/A, N/A
5.00 Stars

While I’m sure I still have plenty of pain in front of me I know that working this program and utilizing the tools that I’ve learned will help me. I also intend to stay in a group and seek counseling as needed. Thank you

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Fleetwood, PA
5.00 Stars

As stated previously, Lori was amazing, I am do grateful I was able to be put in touch with her

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in N, A
4.00 Stars
One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Oshawa, ON
5.00 Stars

She was a very good listener and guide through the book and the program and she showed a great deal of empathy.

One-on-One Online Support
Participant in Ottawa, Ontario
