What is the purpose of the 2 Day Personal Workshop?

To help you grieve and complete your relationship to the pain and unfinished business caused by death, divorce, or any significant emotional loss.

When is it time to do my “grief work?”

The biggest single inaccurate idea that we are socialized to believe is that “time heals all wounds.” Time does not heal, but there are specific actions you can take to help you discover and complete unfinished emotional business. When can you begin to discover and complete all of the things that you wish had ended “different, better or more,” and all of the broken “hopes, dreams, and expectations” about the future? The answer is immediately.

It’s in the time immediately following a loss (divorce included) that our memories of that relationship are most vivid and accurate. Even through the perceived “numbness” that accompanies grief there is easy and instant access to both finished and unfinished business in the relationship.

Waiting to do grief work is potentially dangerous. Most likely you know that grievers tend to create larger than life memory pictures in which they either “enshrine or bedevil” the person who died. This phenomenon increases with time, making it more difficult to discover and complete the “truth” within the relationship.

It’s been years since my loss, but I still feel like I’m not fully participating in my life, is this normal?

Unresolved grief can take us “out of the moment,” sometimes causing us to
 become lost in conversations and thought about people who are no longer physic
ally with us. (This is not limited to death. We are equally likely to be lost in a conversation with a former spouse, still living, who is not physically present).

Assuming that our physical health is okay, unresolved grief also drains us
 of energy. It tends to close our hearts down. Since we’re incomplete with a prior loss we automatically protect ourselves by not loving again. We “hold back”
in order to protect our hearts, thereby dooming new relationships to fail. 
In addition, grievers tend to hide their true feelings for fear of being judged. Where isolation is the problem, participation is a major component of the solution. The Grief Recovery Method®: 2 Day Personal Workshop is the ultimate participation aimed at discovering and completing the unfinished emotional business that fuels isolation.

How does Grief Recovery® differ from therapy?

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss. It is not a pathological condition, nor is it a personality disorder. Grief Recovery® is an educational experience, based on the fact that most of us were never taught effective tools for dealing with grief. Participants find that any subsequent therapy is enhanced by their experience in the workshop. In fact, many therapists refer clients to the workshop.

Is The Grief Recovery Method®: 2 Day Personal Workshop for me?

Are you suffering from a broken heart? Do you feel like past losses prevent you from living at 100%? Then The Grief Recovery Method®: 2 Day Personal Workshop is for you.